Quality Assurance Policy
The schedule below sets out Tyson’s membership of the requisite construction associated bodies;
- National Federation of Builders Membership No CO0001587
- National House Builders Council Registration (A1) No 23367
- Considerate Constructors Scheme (CCS) – all housing projects are registered
- Contractors Health and Safety Scheme (CHAS)
- Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA)
- British Safety Council (BSC)
Tyson is absolutely committed to delivering the highest quality of properties (with zero defects) and total quality service to all of its clients and customers.

Quality Assurance Policy
Tyson achieves its Quality Assurance through its Quality Plan which encompasses control measures (time and budget) and is based upon the principles of Continuous Improvement. Tyson’s management structure acknowledges the autonomy, quality and commitment of its professional and experienced management and construction staff.
The aim of the Company is to exceed its Customer’s expectations. This is achieved by implementing the following methods:
The Company is extremely proactive in the monitoring of its performance in terms of customer satisfaction. As such Tyson developed their own Client Satisfaction Questionnaire in 2004 which it considered encapsulated the most commonly utilised KPIs appropriate to the works it undertakes as a Principal Contractor. The company canvasses the primary stakeholders by including a ‘Client Satisfaction Questionnaire’ within the project handover pack. The Company view is that only scores of 9 and 10 out of 10 are considered acceptable and anything less gives rise to an investigation.
The questionnaires are circulated to all members of the Company’s project team from the Project Manager to the Site Manager, with comments as appropriate, and all results are shared and discussed in detail during the company’s Management Meetings held once every two months. Similarly, results from all projects are shared and discussed in detail during the Site Manager’s Meetings held once every four months.
Employed Staff
Whilst every member of the Tyson team is committed to the Quality Assurance objective and works to achieve quality with efficiency in all of their activities, the QuEnSH Manager has overall responsibility of Quality Assurance and continually identifies improvements to existing working practices through training, reviewing operations and upgrading of IT systems in an environmentally sustainable manner.
Selective lists of specialist sub-contractors are utilised. All have proven their ability of delivering contracts to the high standards that Tyson expect. New sub-contractors are added to this list only if they meet a specific criterion and prove their capability. The friendly, firm but fair minded approach with sub-contractors is paying dividends as a high standard of work is obtained with first class service levels and specialist design input as required. Selective tendering to a small number of proven sub-contractors guarantees a competitive price but also means that sub-contractors are aware of what is expected.
All subcontractors have to undertake a vetting process undertaken by Tyson’s Quality, Environmental, and Safety and Health Manager. This is carried out by forwarding to the subcontractor the Contractors Health, Safety & Environmental Questionnaire. This document outlines Tyson’s procedures for its accreditation under CHAS, ISO 9001:2000 and 14001:2004. It dictates how Tyson operate and how Tyson expect its subcontractors to operate to meet the above criteria and the relevant subcontractor is required to fill out, sign and send back documented evidence to say they abide by this document and its contents. This is undertaken before any subcontractor is allowed on site.
Tyson pride themselves on the many long established relationships with members of its supply chain. By using trusted and skilled sub-contractors Tyson are confident in their ability to produce the highest quality work. Tyson’s Project Managers / Quantity Surveyors appoint sub-contractors whilst their Contract Managers and Site Managers programme and coordinate their work.
During the construction phase the Contracts Manager and Site Manager / Supervisor will monitor all sub-contractor performance. The mechanism by which the process is implemented is specified in the Company Quality Procedures Manual. This process requires the Site Manager / Supervisor to grade the sub-contractor on his performance, reporting on quality of the finished product, attitude of the labour force, quality of the plant / equipment in use on the site and safety performance. All this information is presented on the Sub Contractor Performance Report for every sub-contractor on every project and these performances are reviewed at the bi-monthly QuEnSH Meetings. Any subcontractor not meeting the required standard will be warned of his performance and finally omitted from Tyson’s sub-contractor list. However as stated previously Tyson have strong relationships with a small select number of sub-contractors and as such above actions are very rare.
Tyson operate a management system whereby all projects have a Project Director / Manager who has overall responsibility for ensuring project delivery within budget and programme. The Project Manager will be the main point of contact with the client group and the design team and will coordinate activities and give clear direction to his colleagues. Also, the Project Manager monitors costs and reports directly to the Client and / or the Cost Consultant.
The Contract Manager would communicate regularly with the End User clarifying queries and any issues well in advance of critical dates ensuring sites operate efficiently. Tyson’s Contracts Directors/Managers normally visit site daily to lend support to the Site Manager.
The Site Managers are responsible for the day to day coordination of works on site. Alongside the Contracts Director / Manager they plan and programme resources and check the quality of workmanship.
The key to any effective project delivery is communication. In the main this is directed through the Project Managers as they have overall responsibility for project delivery. Tyson actively encourage an open dialogue between their building professionals (and their selected subcontractors) and the design team, clients, and end users. This is generally undertaken at team meetings.
In order to ensure continuity in terms of allocation of resources the Contracts Director / Managers meet, normally once every month, to review all site requirements for labour and plant to maintain programmed delivery and adjust provisions accordingly. Company management meetings attended by all senior management including Contracts Director/Managers, the Company Buyer, the Health & Safety Manager, project Quantity Surveyors and a representative from the Administrative Department are held normally every four to six weeks where all parties are asked to report in respect of their particular function and are able to raise any issues or concerns they may have for discussion and subsequent action by other members of the management team, as appropriate.
It is in the nature of construction works that someone is going to be inconvenienced during construction project. It is Company Policy to undertake a letter drop prior to the commencement on site providing project details, including site specific contact details. Periodic newsletters are distributed to local residents and businesses informing them of upcoming events on the site and any likely disruption to the project’s neighbours.
In all instances where such contact is received a representative of the Company will contact the person to establish the precise nature of the complaint, undertake a thorough investigation and respond with an explanation as to why the particular circumstance(s) have arisen and for how long these may prevail together with looking for practical ways in which the disruption might be mitigated or curtailed.
Supply Chain
Accounts are held with all the major building material supply companies. The Buying Department continually liaise with site and the construction team to ensure just in time deliveries. The performance of each supplier is continually monitored.
As a Company training is viewed as a high priority for its entire staff. An ongoing training programme includes day release graduate courses. On site there is a continued programme of apprentice training across all trades. Health and Safety, first aid, job specific and on the job training is also provided for all personnel as necessary. 90% of the Company’s staff hold a CSCS Card.
Contracts Managers continually monitor programme. Programmes are implemented after discussion with Site Management and Quantity Surveyors to ensure that the most effective programme is issued and realistic targets are set.
Any instructions issued by the Client are acted upon immediately. Any cost implications to budget are notified immediately with a price calculated before work commences.
Practical Completion
Tyson’s aim is to complete all work on programme, within budget to the total satisfaction of the Client.
The Tyson team are continually encouraged to communicate with customers at all times. A friendly relationship is strived for with much repeat business gained. Client satisfaction is continually monitored throughout construction, on build completion and at the end of the defects liability period.
Quality Policy
Tyson aims to provide defect free service to its customers on time and at the correct price in accordance with agreed customer requirements. Tyson operate a Quality Management System that has gained certification to the ISO 9001: 2000 standard. The management of Tyson is committed to:
- Develop and improve the Quality Management System.
- Continually improve the effectiveness of the Quality Management System.
- The enhancement of customer satisfaction.
- The management of Tyson has a continuing commitment to: ensure that customer needs and expectations are determined and fulfilled with the aim of achieving customer satisfaction.
- Communicate throughout the Organisation the importance of meeting customer needs and legal requirements.
- Establish the Quality Policy and its objectives.
- Conduct Management Reviews of the effectiveness of the implementation of the Quality Management System.
- Ensure the availability of resources.
- The structure of the Quality Management System is defined in the Quality Manual, but is broadly separated into 7 sections.
1. Introductory Information
The Company’s Quality Manual is a controlled document and this section contains all information pertaining to manual control. Also included is a Foreword to the Manual, together with information relating to the profile of the Company to which the Procedures apply. The Quality Policy is included in this section, along with information relating to our organisation, roles and responsibilities.
2. The Quality Management System
This section details documentation required by the system.
3. Management Responsibility
This section details responsibilities and procedures for:
- Development and improvement of the Quality Management System.
- Fulfilling and enhancing customer satisfaction.
- Reviewing the Quality Policy.
- Establishing Quality Objectives.
- Management Review.
4. Resource Management
This section details responsibilities and procedures for:
- Identification of additional or altered resources
- Assessing competence and awareness, and implementing training of human resources.
- Inspection and maintenance of machinery, process equipment and transport.
- Inspection and maintenance of the work environment.
5. Product Realisation
This section details responsibilities and procedures for:
- Planning and implementing construction work.
- Tendering for construction work.
- Purchasing issues during contracts.
- Control of product and service provision.
6. Measurement, Analysis and Improvement
This section details responsibilities and procedures for:
- Monitoring and measurement, including client satisfaction and audit.
- Control of non-conforming product – in house and client complaints.
- Analysis of data received from customers – satisfaction analysis and complaints.
- Continual improvement, corrective and preventative action.
7. Appendices
Included here are:
- A diagram showing the interaction of departmental processes.
- Distribution of controlled manual.
- Internal site documents requiring completion, where necessary.
- Equipment Maintenance Schedule.
- Quality Business Objectives.
- Standard legislation listing.
- Tyson Filing System.
- Operating Procedures for:
- Document Back-up / Transfer.
- Site Document Control.
- Site Equipment and Maintenance.
- Site Calibration and Test Procedure.
- Suppliers / Subcontractor Documentation Procedures for Site.
The Company has found that operating a quality management system has enabled Tyson to:
- Place an emphasis on assurance of quality (right first time approach), rather than control of defects.
- Enhance and continually improve our systems and output through monitoring and analysis.
- Provide clearly defined roles that teach all organisation staff to have accountability for quality within the Company.
- Enable production of simple yet effective procedures.
- Standardise procedural processes across all sites enabling increased efficiency and better control from head office.
- Enable the organisation to adapt systems quickly to new changes in technology and general working practices.
- Have combined staff training sessions with the emphasis being on quality and continued improvement.
- Document how Tyson actually work.